3 Digital Marketing Trends that are Currently Dominating 2019

2019 has been off to a bang and I can’t believe its almost April! Spring is here and as usual every retailer is figuring out a way to increase sales.
Sales lead to money so buisness are going to empoly any strategy possible to increase revenue. Whether it’s a new influencer marketing campaign, different PR strategy or following a new E-commerce tactic; buisnesses will do anything to extend a positive sales trend and ultimately get to the almighty dollar.

Retailers are pushing to drive sales in any way possible. Which means every company, whether big or small, is going to be adapting their marketing strategy to the stay with current marketing trends. There are a few trends that have gained alot of traction over the years, however in my opinion these few are at the peak of the marketing trend wave.

So lets talk about a few of my fave trends:

1. Semantic SEO

In order to pick the most beneficial method to communicate with thier desired market, buisnesses have to know how their key customer communicaties. I pick up my phone and ask Siri some random question at least 31,897 times per day, lmao okay I’m exagerrating, but seriously why waste a few minutes searching on the internet when I can spend a few seconds getting my device to find the answer with a simple voice command. Not only are there phones, but also smart watches, smart televisions and smart speakers ready to take a voice command at ease.

Semantic SEO, which is basically a more evolved SEO, is the way for buisnesses to capitalize on this trend. Everybody already knows that SEO is a huge marketing trend, but thanks to voice command devices, marketers now have to consider the growing importance of Semantic SEO.

Semantic search is a search, question or an action that produces meaningful results, even when the retrieved items contain none of the query terms, or the search involves no query text at all.

Semantic SEO is such a huge trend because it requires more thought…with SEO being the reigning marketing trend it’s hard for small businesses to truly compete for page space in a google search against companies who can truly afford to optimize their site. The key is to now optimize based on phrases. Voice command driven searches are on the rise thanks to our A.I. homegirls, Alexa and Siri. This makes Google have to search for phrases and “think” about the intent of the phrase to find the most suitable answer. The best way for small businesses to stay ahead of this trend is to market your business based on phrases and topics, not keywords.

2. Native Ads

Native ads are typically long-form blog posts, infographics or videos that aim to inform, entertain and inspire people without directly promoting a product. For example, a banner ad from a clothing retailer might promote a winter clothing sale, but a native ad from the same retailer might discuss winter fashion tips instead. Typically, native ads are tagged with a disclaimer such as “sponsored content”, “paid post” or “promoted by”. These ads are nothing new but with the consumers increased desire for personalized content. Eventually native ads will take over and banner ads will be a thing of the past.

Image provided by Bucksense

3. A.I. Integration

Artificial Intelligence is huge and as we know from every futuristic movie ever made it’s only going to get bigger. Major companies are going to continue to incorporate A.I. into their current marketing strategy to give customers a more targeted shopping experience, so small businesses better find a way to jump on-trend. A.I. allows buisness to use analytice to provide a better customer experience and more integrated campaigns. This also allows buisnesses to utilize creative and focused distribution tactics to futhermore set companies apart and increase market share.

Advances in marketing technology are moving brands infinitely closer to achieving the ultimate goal of the “segmentation of one” — the ability to target and tailor marketing to a single person. This progress is powered by A.I. applications, including programmatic buying and A.I.-driven email drip campaigns where the timing of the message is fine-tuned for maximum effect.

These trends are certainly not new but they have proven themselves to be beneficial and lead to sizable financial gains. Proving that using data to better analyze the customer and their wants creates a perfect marketing synergy; that allows businesses to satisfy consumer demand leading these trends will dominate in 2019.

Always ON point!

—> Olivia

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